PHP Laravel Framework Advanced Training
Get trained in PHP Laravel from the best minds in the industry in Chandigarh and Mohali with 12+ years of rich experience.
Our Job-Focused Laravel Training Curriculum
We are proudly the only one making you skilled and job-ready with our specialized in-class PHP Laravel training in Chandigarh, Mohali, Panchkula areas.
Solid understanding of PHP at an intermediate to advanced level and object oriented programming experience.
Course Description
Advanced PHP Laravel programming course provides the knowledge of designing and developing dynamic, Database-Driven web-pages with the latest version of PHP in Laravel Framework.
Comprehensive practical lab exercises to help the students b self-reliant and crack job interviews.
Epiphany Infotech offers the best Laravel training in Chandigarh/Mohali/Panchkula, focusing on Advanced Laravel Framework, plus project-based job-ready training.
Course Content
Module 1: Architecture
- Container
- Facades
- Flexibility
- Robustness
Module 2: Setup & Installation
- Requirement
- Installation
- Web Server Configuration
- Project Structure
Module 3: Basic Routing
- Basic Routing
- Route Parameters
Module 4: Responses
- Views
- View Data
- Redirects
- Custom Responses
Module 5: Filter
- Basic Filters
- Multiple Filters
- Filter Classes
- Global Filters
- Pattern Filters
Module 6: Controllers
- Creating Controllers
- Controller Routing
- ·RESTful Controllers
Module 7: Blade Templates
- Creating Templates
- PHP Output
- Control Structures
- Templates
- Template Inheritance
Module 8: Advance Routing
- Named Routes
- Secure Routes
- Parameter Constraints
- Route Prefixing
- Domain Routing
Module 9: URL Generation
- The Current URL
- Generating Framework URLS
- Asset URLs
- Generation Shortcuts
Module 10: Request Data
- Retrieval
- Old Input
- Upload Files
- Cookies
Module 11: Forms
- Forms
- Fields
- Buttons
- Macros
- Security
Module 12: Validation
- Validation
- Rules
- Error Messages
- Custom Rules
- Custom Message
Module 13: Databases
- Abstraction
- Configuration
- Preparing
Module 14: Schema Builder
- Creating Tables
- Column Types
- Special Column Types
- Column Modifiers
- Updating Tables
- Dropping Tables
- Schema Tricks
Module 15: Migrations
- Basic Concept
- Creating Migration
- Rolling Back
- Migration Tricks
Module 16: Eloquent ORM
- Creating new models
- Reading Existing Models
- Updating Existing Models
- Deleting Existing Models
Module 18: Eloquent Relationship
- Relationships
- Implementing Relationship
- Relating and Querying
Module 19: Authentication

Benefits To Students
On completing this course, the students will get benefits like:
- Regular practical training to develop the logical approach towards programming
- Training Certificate at the end of course
- Learn and create dynamic and database-driven websites
- Become Industry & Job Ready
- Interview practice & Placement Support
- Resume building support & LinkedIn Support
- Free further specialization for selected candidates (Github, etc)
- Specialization in PHP Laravel – for a secured career
- Active Q and A sessions
- Special Sessions – Guidance from Industry Leaders – specialists, experts and techies by the end of the course
- Special Sessions – Career counselling
- Students will learn how to apply the modular approach for developing projects
- Students will have strong hands-on skills in PHP Laravel
- Focus on aptitude and logic building skills
- Great developer/coder ready for future
- Learn skills to work in teams and collaborate on projects