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Sorting An Array Without Using Any In-Built PHP Functions
TL;DR The article discusses the challenge of sorting an array in PHP without using any in-built or PHP core functions, such as sort() and rsort()....
Export Data Into An Excel 2007 File Using PHPExcel
TL;DR The article explains how to create an efficient and fast autocomplete feature using jQuery, PHP, and MySQL. It starts by describing the basic...
How to Cancel/abort Previous ajax Request in jQuery
TL;DR article explains how to avoid slowing down your web app by canceling or aborting previous AJAX requests. It provides a code snippet that...
Top 3 methods to Post Form Data Via jQuery Ajax
TL;DR Different methods to post data within a form to any URL without refreshing the page using jQuery $.ajax function. It provides an example of a...
WordPress Custom Pagination and Blog Posts List
Laravel Custom Validation – mp3, Ogg Extension Files Only
TL;DR The author faced an issue where Laravel's in-built Validator class did not work properly while uploading audio files in a form via jQuery...